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Are you looking for ways to better connect with consumers and patients? Turn prospects into patients? Find and fix customer pain points?

Then Let gSightâ„  Help You Reimagine the Consumer Experience

gSight is a secure survey designed to assess the digital experience on your website or app through real-time feedback. And good news, no PHI or PII is collected along the way. It helps digital leaders reimagine the consumer experience and prioritize the website and app improvements that are most meaningful to prospective and existing patients. gSight is part of a continuous improvement loop, helping you rethink the consumer and patient website and app experience while providing insights that direct design changes, prioritize efforts and measure the effects of the actions. And, gSight identifies issues that are dampening website conversions, so when addressed, the flow of patients through the marketing-generated sales funnel widens, converting prospects to patients.

  • Access to KPI benchmarks and metrics that allow easy comparison of your website  performance to peer groups and others using a database of over 300,000 survey  responses.
  • A real-time interactive dashboard with instant access to consumer feedback that can be  segmented by any survey question.
  • Detailed summary reports - written by healthcare digital and market research experts –   that provide the insights and data needed to prompt change and gain buy-in and   resources from leadership and stakeholders.
  • Access to direct consumer feedback through verbatim comments on their greatest pain  points and suggestions for improvement. The ability to add custom questions.
  • Improvement Arrow Loop


    Optional Tools

  • NEW! App survey now available. Get user feedback about app features and impact on the user experience.  View data immediately through a dashboard, including verbatim feedback that helps you understand the experience in the user’s own words.

  • Verbatim Analysis and Reporting Package Customer comments can provide invaluable feedback.This new optional feature provides analysis and reporting of customer verbatim comments from your gSight surveys. Verbatim analysis identifies key areas that require your attention. This information, combined with the other data from your surveys, will help you to better understand your website visitors and identify key pain points and possible solutions for quick improvement of digital experience.
    • The Verbatim Analysis Report will include:
      • Date of survey
      • Stars rating
      • Reason for visit
      • Difficulty completing task
      • Verbatim – service alerts will be highlighted in red, if immediate contact is needed
      • Code library developed.
    • Organizational Intranet Survey. If your organization has invested time and resources in an intranet, it’s important to get feedback from the intranet’s users – your employees and providers. With a brief optional survey from gSight, you can learn what your intranet users think about:

      • Their intranet experiences
      • The level of satisfaction with using the intranet
      • Areas needing improvement
      • The relative importance of the various functions and content on the intranet
      • And more.
      You can select the topics for open-ended questions. Demographic data is collected – employee/provider role, specific work entity, length of employment, gender, etc. – which allows for segmentation of the results. A written report will be provided at the end of the survey collection period, along with recommendations for next steps.
  • Additional reports and webinar presentations throughout the year to help analyze and measure impacts of special campaigns or website design projects.
  • Resources

    Learn How to Listen to the Voice of the Digital Customer
    to Improve your Brand’s Experience


    The gSight survey allows us to listen more closely to our consumers and understand their needs. The digital front door is a key point of access to health care, and the survey tool helps us respond more proactively to consumer trends and feedback, while making it easier to navigate health care.

    Chrisie Scott
    Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
    Virtua Health

    Partnering with gSight provides an invaluable assessment of Moffitt Cancer Center’s healthcare consumers’ online experience. Through gSight, we’ve been able to monitor user satisfaction throughout a complete website redesign and platform change on These insights have helped us make key optimizations to improve the experience of the patient and caregiver, community providers, and Moffitt supporters. While Moffitt continues to exceed the benchmark in all areas, continued assessment is critical to maintain a positive online experience for our key consumers, surpassing their needs and expectations.

    Jessica Banich
    Digital Marketing Director

    For More Information

    Can We Provide More Information or Tailor a Quote for You Based on Your Needs?

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