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Twitter Simplifies Ad Options

Sep 23, 2021

Twitter has updated its ad offerings to make it easier for brands to set up and manage their Twitter promotions. Initially announced earlier this year, the simplified options have been phased in over the past several months. image of Twitter logo with text "5 new twttter ads"

Previously, there were 22 ad format names but the new format whittles the options down to 5 ad categories:

  • Promoted Ads. This versatile format can be used in many ways, featuring images, videos and various other ad features. They are useful in any stage of the marketing funnel.
  • Follower Ads. These ads are used to build awareness and attract followers by promoting an account to a targeted audience.
  • Twitter Amplify. This allows you to place ads in video content from relevant publishers.
  • Twitter Takeover. This function works to take over Timeline and Explore tabs, resulting in premium mass-reach placements across the funnel.
  • Twitter Live. Live broadcasts on Twitter allow for real-time engagement with an audience.

Each category has a collection of features that can be applied across it. Features and tools that are not available to a typical Twitter advertiser – hashflags, hashtags with emojis automatically attached, e.g. – aren’t included.

This simplified update is intended to help Twitter marketers set up and manage their campaigns and make the best use of options for Twitter ads.

  • HealthCare Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing & Advertising
  • advertising
  • Twitter

