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Improve Your Population Health Efforts With These 3 Tips

Mar 20, 2019

While the concept has been around for a while, advances in technology over the past several years have enabled healthcare organizations to improve their efforts in population health. Population health helps organizations to provide better care in a more effective and efficient manner. demographics

A major requirement for population health is data, which is now easier to acquire and evaluate. Data about various populations is necessary for understanding the best ways to serve these populations. Emerging technologies such as AI and healthcare apps have greatly increased our understanding about various populations.

These tips can help with your population health efforts:

  • Data collection and analysis. Big data plays heavily into population health efforts, but the amount of data necessary to track overall trends, trends and health outcomes is huge. Some organizations may find it useful to partner with larger institutions or reputable data companies for storing and sharing data.
  • Track compliance with EHRs. Electronic health records can be evaluating the entire healthcare continuum. Current and accurate information can be ensured using patient portals and unique patient identifiers. Data additions by clinicians can be updated throughout the system immediately. Information can be accessed at any point during the patient care episode or entire care history.
  • Utilize feedback. Allowing your EHR users a means of providing feedback is crucial for knowing how they’re being affected by your population health efforts.
  • HealthCare Marketing
  • population health

