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Search Ad Spending Forecast Drops Due to Coronavirus

May 21, 2020

New estimates show that search ad spending in the US will decrease in the first half of 2020, primarily due to the coronavirus pandemic. This decrease of 8.7% to 14.8% is about $6 billion to $8 billion less than was spent on search ads in the first half of 2019.


A prior estimate in March 2020, before the shutdowns brought about by the coronavirus pandemic had gone into effect, projected an increase in search ad spending of 14.4% for the entire year of 2020. However, updated figures show that Q1 spending this year was flat, although that is probably boosted by a good performance early in the year. Search ad spending is expected to decrease by 20.2% to 29.4% in Q2 (year over year basis).

These declines are to be expected since search is geared toward driving conversions, but with the pandemic shutdowns and restrictions, those conversions can’t happen.

  • HealthCare Marketing
  • search strategy
  • search

