Download the 2024 Contact Center Survey Report
Call centers are transitioning to contact centers, which means doing more than just handling calls. Today’s contemporary call center is growing in sophistication — way beyond just handling calls. As consumers expect omni-channel access — where they move easily from one communication mode to another in a seamless manner — call centers are being forced to become more adept at many forms of communications.
Regardless of the type of call center, healthcare call center integration is of prime importance. Hospitals and health systems find themselves needing to communicate with patients and prospective patients via telephone, email, patient portals, web forms, text messages, social media channels, mobile devices and video conferencing. Is your call center or access center ready to take on the functions and tasks in this evolving omni-channel world?
Download the 2024 Contact Center Survey Report
Regardless of the type of call center, hospitals and health systems find themselves needing to communicate with patients and prospective patients via telephone, email, patient portals, web forms, text messages, social media channels, mobile devices and video conferencing.
As a result, Greystone often works with hospital call centers to:
Greystone provides sound strategic advice and counsel on the development and management of hospital and health system call centers, having helped more than 100 organizations either build a call center from scratch or re-engineer an existing program.
We can perform a thorough strategic and operational review of your call center operations to:
Greystone.Net can help your organizations optimize and centralize many of your single purpose call centers into a more efficient customer service center or access center.
Greystone provides a full range of call center assessment and strategy services to organizations that want to build a call center from scratch, re-engineer an existing center or consolidate several functions or existing centers into one.
Services include: