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Enhance Business Placement
Showcase Products & Services
Greystone.Net is the one of the largest and most prominent voices for over 4,000 healthcare strategists – from marketing communications leaders to health system web and technologists – who are looking for innovative solutions to drive positive change in healthcare. Greystone’s vendor partnerships offer the ability to customize a package that best suits your needs and interests in engaging with the digital healthcare leader.
GreyMatters e-Newsletter Articles and Banner Ad $1,500
Submit an industry article to GreyMatters for brand exposure and lead generation within healthcare digital and contact center communities. Additionally, you may also submit a banner for inclusion in the newsletter to boost visibility among digital healthcare leaders.
Basic Backstage Pass (Webinar Presentation) $3,000
Your webinar may not be the only sponsored healthcare webinar partnership presented within the month. The basic webinar benefits include:
- 1 sponsored webinar
- GreyMatters eNewsletter promotion
- 2 email promotions
- 2 social media promotions
- 1 practice round
- Registration and attendee list (F/L name, title, organization, email)
- Presentation recording
Exclusive Backstage Pass (Webinar Presentation) $5,500
This monthly exclusive healthcare webinar partnership will ensure your webinar is the only sponsored webinar presented in the Backstage pass series within the month:
- 1 sponsored webinar
- GreyMatters eNewsletter promotion
- 4 email promotions
- 4 social media promotions
- Up to 2 practice rounds
- Registration and attendee list (F/L name, title, organization, email)
- Presentation recording
Call Center (Webinar Presentation) $2,500
Your webinar may not be the only sponsored healthcare webinar partnership presented within the month. The basic webinar benefits include:
- 1 sponsored webinar
- GreyMatters eNewsletter promotion
- 2 email promotions
- 2 social media promotions
- Registration and attendee list (F/L name, title, organization, email)
- Presentation recording
Industry Survey $10,000
Greystone specializes in the development and design of innovative survey solutions. We help by setting survey goals and then working with you through questionnaire development, fielding the survey, analyzing the results and writing the report. Deliverables Include:
- Objectives and goal setting (1 meeting) including topic selection
- Collaboration with client on survey questionnaire design and finalization (up to three rounds of edits) 3 email promotions
- 2 social media promotions
- 3 email promotions
- Development of survey report (up to three rounds of edits)
- Managing the distribution of the survey report
Whitepaper Promotions
Whitepaper/eBook Promotion $5,000
Do you have an eBook or Whitepaper recently published or in the pipeline? Consider promoting the publication to our 4,000+ provider list comprised of hospitals and healthcare digital leaders. Promotions include:
- 2 emails to the Healthcare Marketing provider list OR Contact Center List
- 2 social media posts