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The Convergence e-Health to m-health

Mar 14, 2011, 11:08 by Greystone Administrator
Hello my friends – Prediction came true: the Convergence is here! For a long time now I’ve been involved in Web technology and healthcare. Many others and I have been predicting that there will be a convergence of technology / marketing and how healthcare organizations utilize the Web. Ok, so it isn’t that far reaching of a prediction but fo
Hello my friends – Prediction came true: the Convergence is here! For a long time now I’ve been involved in Web technology and healthcare. Many others and I have been predicting that there will be a convergence of technology / marketing and how healthcare organizations utilize the Web. Ok, so it isn’t that far reaching of a prediction but folks - it’s here; it’s now. I spent some time at HIMSS 2011, the Health Information Management Systems Society annual conference. Innovative technology was in abundance – I saw amazing mHealth, tele-health, eHealth, HIE, EMR and other leading edge advances from all of the major vendors as well as new innovative players. Thinking about how these advances will transform healthcare is very exciting. The opportunities to improve healthcare are truly incredible. Hospitals are deploying apps and iPads to ensure clinicians have the best access to all patient needs. Secure and HIPAA compliant surgical collaborations can even occur using an iPhone or Android directly from the operating room. The most exciting thing I saw though was the true transformation and evolution from e-health to m-health. M-Health is about giving the patient what they have been asking for, anytime and anywhere. I was honored to have the opportunity to speak to a large HIMSS audience on this topic and I saw some incredible advances that grew from standard web application which are now going mobile! I have learned over the past few months that many of you are embarking on a mobile strategy. Hopefully I brought some tools back to help the ones we serve at Greystone. As you think through your mobile strategy please think about this: Who is your mobile audience?
  • Community
  • Patients
  • Physicians / Clinicians
  • Administration
It is very important to define your audience and users when putting a mobile strategy together. You need to remember one size will not fit all and it can be overwhelming trying to reach everyone as you work through this. Complexity Scale Anything is possible with mobile, so it is important to define your application complexity and what your organization and audience is ready for. There are many options available but a good way to look at this is by understanding the range of apps. Everything from ER wait times to OR live collaborations. I like to define it by four categories:
  • Access Apps (entry to the hospital, ER, 911, etc..)
  • Admissions Apps (mobile admission forms, etc..)
  • Treatment Apps (blood pressure, blood glucose, etc..)
  • Discharge and Post Discharge Apps (discharge notes, RX, etc..)
Mobile and Meaningful Use Meaningful use requirements are now being met by utilizing mobile technology.
  • E-prescribe
  • Patient Reminders
  • Secure Messaging
  • Clinical and Lab Retrieval
Work flow and technology Infrastructure Be sure to understand the business workflow and technological impact mobile applications may have on your organization and the IT department. Decisions must be made around development and deployment as you work through your mobile strategy. That’s just a few things to think about, much more to come! As I said in my last post though; it’s not about the bits and bytes and technology. It’s about the patients and the care. So – what are you doing to facilitate the deployment of patient-centric apps and access? How are you getting the message out that technology is transforming your hospital? Many of you are improving your Web sites, implementing portals, and planning for mobile technologies. I congratulate you for that! Many of you may be wondering just where to start on a portal or mobile solutions. I hope this helps and would be glad to help further. Back to the convergence – There were a lot of exciting breakthroughs at HIMSS this year and I look forward to sharing with you some more of the innovative solutions available for your strategies. You’ll hear more about this Web / mobile / information technology / marketing convergence from the team at Greystone. We’re very excited about it! Now, go “Make it Snow”! CC