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Our First OpenSpace

May 22, 2011, 11:18 by User Not Found
Tomorrow is the launch of Greystone's first OpenSpace, Unconference. For those of you who know me, you probably already realize this presents a bit of an uncomfortable spot for me. I'm the kind of person who likes to write to-do lists and craves structure. And, the idea of hosting a meeting of senior Web leaders with no pre-set agenda and no pre-ge
Tomorrow is the launch of Greystone's first OpenSpace, Unconference. For those of you who know me, you probably already realize this presents a bit of an uncomfortable spot for me. I'm the kind of person who likes to write to-do lists and craves structure. And, the idea of hosting a meeting of senior Web leaders with no pre-set agenda and no pre-generated presentations and materials is just a little scary to me. But all that said, I'm really looking forward to the novelty and the potential. I do strongly believe that with the group of smart, progressive and passionate people who are coming to Atlanta tomorrow to talk about the issues and challenges facing healthcare Web leaders  -- the discussions will be powerful and the outcome may well be innovative. We'll keep you posted, and if you're in Atlanta on Monday or Tuesday, stop by the Hotel Twelve Centennial Park and join the conversation.  It will be both great fun and educational!