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The "Post PC Revolution"

Mar 20, 2013, 06:30 by User Not Found
The future is here. Those hand-held devices that have been wished for, written about for decades and portrayed in movies and on TV (think Star Trek, for example) are here. And not only are they here, they’re usurping the PC in rapid order. MoovWeb recently released a Post-PC Infographic that describes a so-called “Post-PC Revolution,” which has
iStock_000019668860MediumThe future is here. Those hand-held devices that have been wished for, written about for decades and portrayed in movies and on TV (think Star Trek, for example) are here. And not only are they here, they’re usurping the PC in rapid order. MoovWeb recently released a Post-PC Infographic that describes a so-called “Post-PC Revolution,” which has arrived just 7 years after Bill Gates and Steve Jobs talked about the “post-PC world.” Is your organization still struggling with “going mobile?” What are your barriers? How are you working to address those barriers? If you’re still trying to garner support for your organization’s mobile effort, here are some points to consider:
  • One out of every 6.7 people on planet Earth has a Smart phone. And sales of mobile-enabled tablets are expected to increase to over 369 million by 2016, up from almost 119 million in 2012.
  • In 2012, sales using a mobile device reached $4 billion for Amazon, $7 billion for PayPal and $10 billion for eBay.
  • According to research firm Gartner, 2013 is anticipated to be the year that Internet access via mobile phones will overtake PC Internet access.
  • If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, 79% of mobile users will abandon the site for one that is.
  • Of the currently available healthcare apps, 70% are consumer-focused. The remaining apps are for healthcare professionals’ use.
  • By 2018, the mobile healthcare technology market is expected to exceed $8 billion – including apps, services and devices.
  It’s clear that mobile is not only here to stay, but is on the cusp of being the primary means of accessing the Internet. If your target audience has the ability to be online 24/7 and do business with your organization from wherever they are in the world, are you ready? To meet this challenge, many of our clients employ responsive Web design, which uses a fluidly constructed Web pages that scale from handheld device displays to large, high-resolution computer displays using flexible typography, images, grids and style-sheets. Some progressive organizations are deciding to go Mobile First. Mobile First is the idea that Web sites should be designed first for mobile devices, including only those tasks and items that Web site visitors most want - only those things that fit on a screen with 80% less real estate than the typical monitor. And then as screen real estate increases, add tasks and features based on user priority. This kind of thinking allows the organization to take advantage of the exploding growth of mobile while forcing a focus on prioritizing  content and features. Is your organization ready for the Post-PC world? Are you considering Mobile First? Let us hear what you think.