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Been There, Done That: CMS Selection Advice From the Field

Oct 11, 2016, 10:14 by Sara Foster

If your organization is thinking about a new content management system (CMS), and if it has been a while since you’ve been through the process, some advice from peers who have recently been through the process can be useful.

We spoke with a couple of healthcare marketers whose organizations have been through the CMS selection process in the past year or so.

Q: Now that you’ve been through the process and have your new CMS partner, are there any questions you would add to the RFP for potential vendors that weren’t necessarily clear at the time of selection?

We interviewed Holly Smith, Director, Strategic Planning and Marketing, at St. Mary’s Health in Evansville, Indiana.

“The RFP process was so detailed I don’t think I would add anything. I think the most important piece is the onsite interviews and getting to know [the vendors] as for who they are. You are going to spend a lot of time together and [you need to] make sure you make the right choice of culture.”

We also interviewed Lynne Pinnick, Web Marketing Coordinator, Marketing and Planning, at Billings Clinic in Billings, Montana.

  • There needed to be more options for health content providers to choose from. Would the CMS partner give us pricing for what it would take to use a content provider outside of their usual 2 or 3 that they work with?
  • Migration of content was a much bigger task than originally believed. Realistic timeframes should be given for hours/cost involved in moving content.
  • More realistic understanding and expectations on who all in the organization would need to be trained and the time commitment to train them (if not being trained by the CMS vendor).    

Q: What advice would you give another healthcare system about to go through the selection process?

From Holly Smith: “I wouldn’t do this without Greystone! They are the experts - they know how to conduct the RFP and we really looked towards them to help us. Also, the consumer testing was really critical for us to develop our new site map and wireframe. The team is so helpful and supportive. They keep you on your timeline and at the end it is such a structured process I know we couldn’t have don’t it in the timeline we had without them. My slogan is, 'If you are considering a new CMS -- choose Greystone to help you.'"

From Lynne Pinnick: “If at all possible, use a firm to help with the RFP process. This is a huge undertaking, and having a partner to guide you through the process adds credibility, especially when it comes down to making a decision and ensures that almost no stone is left unturned. When you select a CMS partner, the relationship typically gets deeper and you want to make sure you do not have to repeat the process any time in the distant future.”

Q: Why was picking the right CMS the first time important for you?

From Holly Smith: “Choosing a CMS is a very important component of our strategic marketing plan. Our website is used as a call to action in most of our marketing. Choosing the right CMS means that we have a digital infrastructure that is easy to use, efficient and works for our health system. We know the investment is one that is costly and not easy to change once implemented. Choosing the right CMS platform and supporting vendor is critical. That is the reason that we engaged with Greystone in our process to help us make the right selection for us now and for the future.”

From Lynne Pinnick: “It is very difficult to get funding for such an endeavor. It is important to make the right decision as you may not get another opportunity down the road.”

Is a new CMS on the horizon for your organization? Are you feeling overwhelmed about the process? Holly and Lynne offer helpful advice for you to consider.

But if you still feel you need guidance in starting the selection process, Greystone can help you figure it out. Your organization can work with the Greystone consulting team to assess your current system and needs, as well as your future plans. We can save you time you don’t really have. Our Vendor Selection Process can help to ensure that you find the best CMS platform and implementation vendor for your organization’s goals with an aligned corporate culture.

For more information about CMS and your organization, contact Greystone.Net at 770-407-7670, email us at or fill out our online information request.