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gSight, Voice of the Digital Customer Solution

Oct 17, 2017, 14:57 by Sara Foster
Learn about an exciting new addition to gSight, Greystone.Net's Voice of the Customer solution!
We hope you enjoy this post from Candace Quinn, gSightSM Consultant with Greystone.Net.

Greystone.Net is pleased to announce its newest enhancement to its suite of “Voice of the Digital Customer” solutions: HotJar.  We have recently made the analytics and feedback tools from HotJar available as an add-on to gSight, our Voice of the Digital Customer tool. 

For a small additional fee, here is what you can now get:

  • Heatmaps that let you understand what users want, care about and interact with on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior. Coupling that with what they tell you in their gSight survey about those experiences, you are now fully prepared to adapt your website to maximize interaction and repeat visits.
  • Recordings of the visits identify usability issues by allowing you to watch real visitors on your site as they click, tap, move their cursor, type and navigate across pages. 
  • Discover to where they are most likely to navigate on your website and even more importantly, where they leave your site…which page and which step…
  • Improve your online form completion rates by discovering when and why your visitors abandon your forms.
  • Conduct feedback polls designed to understand what your web and mobile visitors want and what’s preventing them from achieving it by targeting time or event based questions.
  • And, of course, the healthcare industry’s only benchmarked healthcare-specific visitor survey tool with milestone reports and observations by the industry’s premier market research firm Klein & Partners, and web strategy consulting firm, Greystone.Net. 

gSight and HotJar link attitudes and behaviors – one of the first combined solutions of its kind – a dream for digital and consumer insights groups at a hospital or health system. Just imagine the power of better understanding how your website visitor feels about your website and how that impacts how they feel about your brand.  

If you want to know how to add HotJar to your gSight account, call us today at 770-407-7670. Not a gSight client yet? No worries. Our simple-to-install-and-launch survey tool, with the HotJar add-on, can be up and running on your site in a matter of days. Email to find out how.