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How Valuable Is Video Content? Here’s a List of Statistics

Aug 9, 2018, 12:38 by User Not Found
The demand for video content has increased over the past several years. If your organization’s digital strategy doesn’t include an emphasis on video content, you are missing out on a large segment of internet users.

The demand for video content has increased over the past several years. If your organization’s digital strategy doesn’t include an emphasis on video content, you are missing out on a large segment of internet users.Video

Check out these statistics on the value of video content:

  • By 2020, over 80% of consumer internet traffic will be attributed to online videos.
  • Before visiting a brick-and-mortar store to see a product or service, almost half of internet users will look for videos related to that product/service.
  • Facebook and YouTube videos are seen by 45% of people for an hour or more each week.
  • Over half of smartphone users (53%) have more favorable opinions of companies that provide instructional videos.
  • In 2016, 60% of marketers used video content in social media marketing.
  • Live video was used by 14% of marketers in 2016.
  • Over half (52%) of marketing professionals around the world agree that video content provides the best ROI.
  • YOY revenue grows almost 50% faster for brands that use video marketing.
  • Organic search traffic from search engines increases 157% with video.
  • 43% of internet users want more video content from marketers in the future.
  • On Twitter, videos are 6 times more likely to be retweeted than photos and 3 times more likely to be retweeted than GIFs.
  • Video gets 135% more organic reach than photos on Facebook, on average.
  • Three-quarters of executives watch videos related to their work on business websites one or more times per week.
  • Video content is shared far more on social media than other types of types of content – 40% more likely to be shared than other content types.
  • Marketing videos show a 27% higher CTR and 34% higher web conversion rate for companies that use videos in their marketing versus companies that don’t use them.
  • Almost two-thirds (64%) of visitors to retail sites who watch a video stay an average of 2 minutes longer and are 64% more likely to make a purchase as opposed to visitors who do not watch a video.
  • Marketing emails with videos can see an increased CTR of more than 90%.
  • When an internet user likes a video ad, his/her likelihood of purchasing increases by 97% and brand association increases by 139%.