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Are You Leveraging Voice and AI Yet?

Jan 23, 2019, 17:03 by Sara Foster
If your organization is not already using voice technology and/or AI, maybe it's time you started.

No matter how technically advanced your marketing efforts are, there is always room for advancement into newer technologies and platforms. Among the latest and greatest marketing tactics today are voice assistants and artificial intelligence (AI)image of a voice search screen on a smartphone

Even if your organization has begun using one or the other of these, you can refine and enhance your use of them. And if your organization has not yet taken the plunge, well, what are you waiting for?

Customers are getting more used to voice assistants and AI in their homes and their interactions with other industries. They expect healthcare to keep up with their expectations for customer experience elsewhere.

If you’re not already working to optimize your content for voice search, this should become a priority. More searches are done using voice technology and it’s predicted that over half of all searches with be voice searches by 2020. To stand out from your competitors, you should use a single (literal) voice wherever voice applications are used across your website, voice-enabled apps and all campaigns. This can help help boost engagement and improve customer experience.

AI tools are another way to increase engagement in an efficient and cost-effective manner. One of the more common uses of AI is chatbots, but these are certainly not the only tool available.

If your organization is new to voice and/or AI, experts recommend you just dive in and start experimenting. Figure out what works for supporting your marketing goals.

Has your organization started using voice or AI?