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Voice Technology: Do You Have a Strategy?

May 29, 2019, 10:58 by Sara Foster
Adopting voice technology in healthcare.

As voice technology matures and becomes more commonly used, it has become a crucial part of marketing strategy. And it’s not just voice assistants and smart speakers to consider – smart display devices with video are becoming more prevalent as well, with the number of smart display device owners increasing by more than 500% in 2018. voice

So how has healthcare adopted voice technology? Here are a few examples:

  • KidsMD from Boston Children’s Hospital. This software gives Alexa the “skill” of offering simple health advice to parents about their children's symptoms and medication dosing. Alexa can advise whether a call to the child’s doctor is warranted, based on symptoms.
  • First Aid from Mayo Clinic. This Alexa skill provides self-care instructions for dozens of everyday mishaps and other situations and provides quick, hands-free answers from a trusted source.
  • Flu Doctor from Boston Children’s Hospital and Seattle Children’s Hospital. Pediatrician Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson (@SeattleMamaDoc) is featured in this Alexa skill that answers questions about the flu shot, different types of flu vaccine, and the influenza virus and its consequences.
  • Improving the lives of seniors in nursing homes and senior living facilities. Voice devices have been shown to decrease loneliness, depression and feelings of isolation in seniors, who are able to connect with family, friends and the community using the technology.
  • Allowing EMS responders to provide more efficient, hands-on care. An ambulance service in the Boston area has installed Alexa devices in its vehicles, allowing paramedics and EMTs to obtain information about treatment protocols, traffic, weather, and other vital information by voice so that they can continue with uninterrupted hands-on care for their patients.

If your organization has not yet embraced voice or is just in the beginning stages of adopting voice, here are some things to consider:

  • Find out what works for your organization with testing. Find someone internally who will champion a pilot program or find an external partner.
  • If you’re not already on board with voice, you’re probably losing ground to your competitors who are on board. A report focused on the publishing industry found that $17 million would be potentially lost in 2019 due to voice technology inaccurately identifying books that consumers want to buy. You’ll want to stay ahead of your competition before a similar report comes out for healthcare.