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Two-Minute Read: Tidbits and Takeaways from #HCIC20

Nov 20, 2020, 16:19 by Sara Foster
A brief summary of HCIC@Home.

This article was written by Jessica Levco, a healthcare writer who covered HCIC20 for Greystone.Net. photo of a person watching a conference online

Whether you were watching #HCIC20 anywhere from Timbuctoo to Toledo, we hope you enjoyed this year’s HCIC@Home. Toggling back-and-forth between various sessions, here are a few highlights from the conference:

  • Awesome commercial: If you’re a Bob Dylan fan, you’ve got to check out this commercial from Banner Health.
  • Live life virtually: In a three-part keynote by Debra Jasper, she showed us all kinds of tips and tricks on how to live a virtual life. For starters, take phone calls standing up. Design slides in a content-rich, visual way. Ditch the data and small text. 120+ slides in a presentation? That’s a good thing.
  • Know who you are: Remember, your hospital’s reputation is a direct link to your bottom line.
  • Reviews matter: The average patient reads nine reviews before selecting a provider.
  • Inspirational quote: Manley Feinberg, II said: “It's not about having the right answer; it's about having the right question. That moves the conversation forward.”
  • Stories matter: Stories are seven times more likely to be remembered by your audience than facts.
  • Be a journalist: Turn your hospital’s newsroom into a real newsroom. You need B-roll, images and copy in each of your pitches.
  • OMG: Cleveland Clinic is on TikTok. (And we’ll be talking about how to be TikTok famous in healthcare in a Master Class in December as part of HCIC@Home continued.)

If you attended HCIC@Home and you missed any of the above sessions, or want to see them again, don’t forget you have access to the virtual platform until December 31 to watch any of the sessions as often as you want!

Also, don't forget the Master Classes on December 2, 9 and 16! These classes are included in your HCIC@Home registration. See the HCIC schedule for more details.