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Apple’s Mobile Ad ID’s Effect on Marketers

Learn about the effect of coming changes to Apple's IDFA.

A lot has changed with marketing attribution, measurement and addressability. Third-party cookies are going away, and now Apple is launching its new AppTrackingTransparency framework in the coming weeks. photo of a person tapping a smartphone screen

The new Apple framework will require a user to opt in to allow a device to collect the IDFA (Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers). It is expected that the opt-in rate will be low. One survey of world-wide marketers found that 53% of them expect the availability of IDFAs to decrease by at least half after the changes are implemented. Other experts think the opt-in rates will be even lower - in the 20%-30% range.

Negative effects predicted by surveyed marketers include:

  • Cross-device measurement
  • Multitouch attribution
  • Conversion measurement
  • Impression measurement and verification

Possible reactions of marketers include moving budget into other ad channels and investing in other types of measurements.

Is your organization making changes to its marketing strategy to account for the coming Apple changes?