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YouTube’s Dominance Over TikTok Waning

Since its creation in 2005, YouTube has ruled the world of video content. No other platform has come close to YouTube’s dominance. But the video platform has a challenger knocking at the door: TikTok.

Since its creation in 2005, YouTube has ruled the world of video content. No other platform has come close to YouTube’s dominance. But the video platform has a challenger knocking at the door: TikTok. image of TikTok logo

TikTok and other video platforms are beginning to make headway into the YouTube audience. Not only are more people watching video on other platforms, but some of the most popular YouTube creators are moving away from YouTube.

YouTube is currently the dominant video platform for all major age groups. But a deeper look into the statistics shows where YouTube is more vulnerable: the two youngest age groups.

  • It is predicted that YouTube usage by US teens age 12-17 will rise only by 1.5% this year, compared with a rise of over 13% in TikTok use by this group. Almost 88% in the group will use YouTube on a monthly basis, while 65% will use TikTok.
  • The gap in usage between the two platforms is even smaller in the 18-24 age group, with 85% on YouTube and almost 74% on TikTok.
  • It is predicted that by 2025, the gap will narrow to 26.6 million YouTube users vs. 24.2 million TikTok users in the 18-24 age group.