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Marketing Strategies without Cookies

How are marketers responding to the loss of third-party cookies?

Now that the migration away from third-party cookies is in full swing, how are marketers responding? A survey of leading marketers from Fortune 500 companies found that social media and search marketing have been affected the most. image of a cookies button on a computer keyboard

Additional findings included:

  • The channels most affected by the loss of cookies were social media (67%), organic search/SEO (64%), paid search/SEM (54%) and email marketing (49%). This was reported consistently across both B2B and B2C.
  • The most affected channels are receiving increased budget resources.
  • Strategic responses to these changes include improvement of data quality, a focus on first-party data, prioritizing market research and a focus on building new channel partnerships.
  • Current cookie use is primarily for capturing and tracking website activity.