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Switching Providers Becomes More Common

As consumers have started returning to in-person health care, they have also become more comfortable with switching providers.

As consumers have started returning to in-person health care, they have also become more comfortable with switching providers. In addition, younger consumers are more likely to switch providers than older ones. photo of a young woman looking at a laptop

A report from Accenture found that 30% of patients had selected a new provider in 2021, which is up from 26% in 2017. Gen Z and millennial patients were six times more likely to switch providers.

Among those patients who switched, 25% switched due to dissatisfaction with their previous provider, up from 18% in 2017. Other reasons for switching included:

  • Issues with getting through the care experience
  • Problems with administrative staff
  • Subpar technologies

When looking for a new provider, access was one of the most important factors under consideration. This included:

  • Distance to provider’s location
  • How quickly an appointment could be made
  • Appointments available during off hours
  • Availability of telehealth options

Another important factor in choosing a new provider was a trusted referral source.