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Virtual Healthcare: Consumers are Willing, But Options Not Always Available

While virtual healthcare remains popular, usage has stayed flat in the past two years. One reason for the flat usage level may be the availability of virtual services.

A recent study from Deloitte Center for Health Solutions looked at preference, popularity and availability of virtual healthcare services. Overall, the survey found that while virtual healthcare remains popular, usage has stayed flat in the past two years. One reason for the flat usage level may be the availability of virtual services. 

graphic representing a telehealth visit on a smartphone

Consumers who have tried virtual care are overwhelmingly willing to continue to use these services – up to 94% from 80% in 2020. They even indicate that they would be willing to switch providers to receive virtual care. This is especially true for younger consumers – 43% of millennials and 33% of Gen Z would switch providers. Only 7% of baby boomers indicated this willingness.

Reasons given for preferring virtual visits included:

  • Convenience of better appointment times (64%)
  • Convenience of saving time on appointment day (44%)
  • Convenience of getting an appointment faster (37%)
  • Saving money (32%)
  • Better personal connection with provider (15%)
  • Prefer technology usage (14%)
  • Better privacy (8%)

Additional data from the survey included:

  • Virtual care is preferred only for certain types of visits, such as prescription refills, while in-person visits are preferred for visit types such as dermatology appointments, chronic care management, post-op visits and OB-GYN visits.
  • Virtual care offerings have not been increased by at least half of providers who offer them, and 20% of providers have decreased their offerings. Reasons for reducing virtual care options by providers included:
    • Low provider interest
    • No more need for COVID precautions
    • Low patient demand
    • Inadequate reimbursement.

How is virtual care being managed at your organization?