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Using AI to Boost CX

Read about using AI to boost CX.

Customer experience (CX) is increasing in importance to businesses. With the advent of AI platforms, the options for personalizing engagement, boosting satisfaction and improving efficiency are increased. While the C-suite sees the value in AI and approves its use, implementing AI continues to be a different story.


A recent report found that while 93% of senior leaders said AI was key to their current strategy, only 31% of businesses are actively using AI with their CX strategy, while 24% are just now starting to use AI with CX strategy.

One of the biggest obstacles to implementation is organizing data. The study found that 86% of businesses have data scattered across different systems. Other obstacles include customer resistance to change, a paucity of internal expertise and limited budgets. However, the majority of mature AI users have found that the investment in AI technology has yielded high value.

There needs to be human interaction with AI technology. 98% of study respondents said that the handoff between human agents and AI is crucial. A stumbling block to this handoff is employee resistance, reported by just over one-third of companies. Companies will need to manage this interaction carefully. Helping employees to feel empowered by AI will greatly increase their satisfaction.

How is your organization using AI with CX strategy?