Laura Clemons

Results of recent study on Web budgets

by User Not Found | May 03, 2010
Greystone is pleased to announce the results of our recent survey on hospital/ health system Web budgets. We sent the survey invitation to more than 100 healthcare marketers, and received responses from 65. (please note:  Greystone’s research panel is made up of hospitals or health care systems with at least one FTE dedicated to the Web, and members tend to be more “Web 2.0 savvy” than other hospitals and health systems) Here are some of the major findings: 1)  From a revenue perspective, some hospitals/health systems report an increase over the previous year, while a nearly equal number report a decrease. (To be exact, 25% reported increasing revenues, 36% reported declining revenues, and 25% are holding steady - the rest are either “Don’t Know” or “Other”)  Academic Medical Centers appear to be weathering the storm better than other types of organizations, with nearly half reporting increased revenue in 2010. 2) Regardless of declining hospital revenues and cuts to marketing budgets, hospitals/health systems continue to increase their spending on the Web. Interestingly, we found that more hospitals with declining revenues are increasing spending on the Web compared to those with increasing revenues. We believe this is a strong testament to the organizational acceptance of the Web as a cornerstone for marketing and operations. 3) Eighty percent of the participants in our study are increasing spending on Social Media in 2010. SEO and SEM are also popular areas where our respondents are increasing spending. 4) Hiring is a mixed bag, with approximately one in three looking to hire and one in three currently in a hiring freeze. The good news for healthcare marketers: very few of our respondents (3%) expect to lay off people in Web departments this year. Many thanks to our panel respondents -- those of you who participated will soon receive a complete copy of the results.  If you would like to be part of future studies like this one, click here to join the Greystone.Net research panel.  In return for your participation, we promise to share the results, and to contact you no more than once per quarter. Our next study will focus on trends in hospital/health system intranets.
  • social media
  • search engines
  • conferences presentations speaking

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