Laura Clemons

Augmented Reality Use in Pediatrics

by User Not Found | Aug 08, 2018
Augmented reality (AR) is a newer technology that is becoming more prominent as the technology evolves. One example of AR use in healthcare comes from a pediatric hospital in the UK.
Augmented Reality
Keeping patients informed and satisfied is one thing in the adult population. It’s an entirely different matter in the pediatric population, with a child’s developmental level dependent on his/her age and other factors. How do you inform, entertain and distract patients from toddlers to teens?

With contributions from various vendors and other partners, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, UK, developed and launched an AR tablet app for its patients. The app, Alder Play, is available on iOS and Android platforms. It includes a chatbot, “Ask Ollie,” that informs both patients and their parents about useful information. Videos that explain various procedures are also included.

Each child can choose an avatar that will guide them through the hospital, provide information, entertainment and support, and offer challenges that, once completed, will unlock new content. The app’s purpose is to distract patients during procedures, and increase their comfort by decreasing fears and worries. By offering challenges and rewards, children can be encouraged to better participate in their care and work towards their health goals.

The National Health Service was one of the backers of Alder Play, and it is believed that a successful trial of the AR app at Alder Hey will lead to its use in other UK pediatric hospitals.
  • Pediatrics
  • IoT
  • Augmented Reality

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