Laura Clemons

Increase Social Engagement With Facebook Live

by User Not Found | Aug 09, 2018

Your organization has worked hard on its social media strategy, and you have seen improvement in engagement and interactions. You’d like to do even better, but how?Facebook Live

Are you using Facebook Live? If not, or if you’re only using it sporadically, you might want to consider adding Facebook Live as a routine part of your social media efforts. Not only are people spending three times longer watching live video than previously recorded ones, but the amount of engagement with Facebook Live on news feeds—lots of it!--has not been lost on many brands.

Live streaming can be a great way to get the attention of your audience, draw them in and get them to perform some action, whether it is making an appointment, signing up for an enewsletter or registering for a class. Here are some easy live-streaming tactics to boost your social engagement:

  • Show what’s happening behind the scenes. People want to know what’s going to happen with them in a healthcare setting. Perhaps one of your anesthesiologists or OR nurses could provide a live tour of an OR set up for various specific procedures. Show what happens in departments such as radiology, physical therapy or others. If you have a special event or campaign coming up, consider live streaming the preparation backstage just prior to the event. Just keep in mind that if patient care areas are involved, you’ll need to be especially careful about HIPAA issues.
  • Report breaking news. Is your organization debuting a new procedure or a new type of equipment? Is there a healthcare-related story blowing up the news that someone in your organization can speak to? When there is something going on like a severe flu epidemic, an environmental event like the forest fires around Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN, last year or severe weather conditions that can affect people’s health, use your organization’s clinical experts to go live and explain more about what’s happening.
  • Repurpose your content. Do you have active bloggers in your organization? Find some of their most popular blog posts and have the blogger (or someone else in your organization) hold a livestreaming event to discuss the post and take questions from viewers. This is a great opportunity to drive people to your website.

If you want to start small with live streaming, pick one of the tactics above and try it. Assess your results. If it works, great. If not so much, then try another tactic.

  • social engagement
  • facebook live
  • social media

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