Providing Guest Content

(Blogs, e-Newsletter Articles)

Thank you for your interest in providing blog and/or newsletter content for Greystone! Please review our guidelines below for guest articles and banners.

Contact us


Banner ads should be submitted as 565X150 images in either JPG or PNG format and provide hyperlink for the ad. 

Article Topics

Greystone is committed to providing educational and informative content on topics pertinent to the healthcare marketing industry. Proposed topics for newsletter and blog articles should be submitted in advance for approval. Proposed articles should be original and not published elsewhere.

Article Length

Our e-newsletter articles typically run about 250-450 words. We prefer that e-newsletter articles run no longer than 500 words.

Blogs average about 350-650 words, although articles longer than 800 words are acceptable with prior approval. If your article runs long, we may ask that you break it into two separate articles (i.e., part 1 and part 2), depending on the specific situation.

What we need from you

All articles should be submitted in a separate Word doc. We will not copy/paste from an article written in an email or other format.  

  • At least one image (300 x 200 pixels) to be inserted in the article itself. An image inserted into the article may be your organization’s logo, a head shot of the author, or an image representative of the topic. You are responsible for ensuring that any image submitted to Greystone for publication is royalty-free and rights-free. You may submit a second image for use in the email notification that is sent out for e-newsletters only. Please note: Images used for email promotions may not be your company’s logo.
  • Contact information for the article’s author (or the author’s designee) so that we contact him/her if we have any questions prior to publication. The contact person should be readily available to answer any questions. If we cannot reach the contact person in a timely manner to resolve any issues, publication of the article may be delayed.
  • URL(s) for your organization’s website and for any source material used in the article. NOTE: All links should be formatted to open in a new window.

For blog articles (in addition to the above):

Please provide the name and title of the author as he/she wants it to be published. Also, provide a brief (2-3 sentences max) author bio.

  • Provide the author’s email address for contact if a reader has questions or comments about the article. Unless requested otherwise, we will include the author’s email in the blog content.

What we will do:

  • You and/or your organization will be credited for providing the article content.
  • We reserve the right to edit for clarity and formatting. We will correct typos and grammar issues as needed. Unless there’s a major change, we will not notify you of these edits ahead of time. However, you will have the opportunity to review the article in its publication format prior to release.
  • For e-newsletter articles, we will provide a preview of the email notification prior to its release.
  • We will share any feedback we receive about your article.

If requested, we can provide the following metrics after publication of an e-newsletter:

  • MailChimp Total Opens for an e-newsletter
  • MailChimp Total Clicks for an e-newsletter
  • Pageviews will be provided after the publication of a blog article.
  • We will promote your article via social media (any or all of the following: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn).