Aug 09, 2018
In May of 2016, the El Paso Times published a series of articles detailing the extent of liver disease in the El Paso-area Hispanic population. This led The Hospitals of Providence, an El Paso-area health system to collaborate with the newspaper and a gamification software company to develop an online trivia game focused on liver disease.
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Aug 09, 2018
Most organizations know that it’s no longer “customer service”—it’s “customer experience.” With the advent of multiple channels to reach and engage with customers, it has become imperative for organizations to develop and implement a seamless customer experience (CX) across all those channels.
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Aug 09, 2018
Last month, we looked at ways that healthcare organizations are working on transportation options to improve patient attendance for non-emergency appointments. This month, we will look at how healthcare organizations are working with hospitality organizations to improve patient experience with on-campus or nearby housing options for patients and their families.
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Aug 09, 2018
Health- and medical-related apps have proliferated over the past several years. While many apps are developed and distributed by reputable organizations, not all of them are. And even when the intent for the app is good, the app may not be very useful or effective.
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Aug 09, 2018
As marketers, we all have a lot on our plates. If only there was a way to be more efficient and effective. A recent article makes the case for using editorial operations as a guideline for improving marketing operations.
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Aug 09, 2018
Healthcare organizations strive to provide the best possible service for their patients. However, the best people, facilities and equipment mean little when the patients cannot get to them. A 2005 study found that 3.6 million Americans (including almost 1 million children) miss or delay medical care due to transportation problems, causing a financial waste of $150 million.
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Aug 09, 2018
Everybody is on Facebook. And for good reason, as an overwhelming majority of social marketers say that Facebook provides the best ROI among social media platforms. While ROI can vary among industries and brands, it’s still a good bet that Facebook is worth your time. How can you ensure that your efforts will be effective?
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Aug 09, 2018
As we enter into a new year, it’s helpful to have an idea of what to expect moving forward. SEO is one of many components of an effective marketing strategy. Econsultancy talked with several experts to get their impressions of what the 2017 SEO landscape might look like.
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