Sara Foster

Another COVID-19 Consequence: Increased Voice Calls

by Sara Foster | Jun 18, 2020

The global coronavirus pandemic has disrupted pretty much everything in our daily lives. One somewhat unexpected disruption has been the increase in voice calls via landlines, mobile phones and Wi-Fi. photo of a young woman talking on a cell phone

Both Verizon and AT&T have reported a marked increase in voice calls on their networks, reversing the trend of a continual decline in voice call volume over the past several years. In late March, Verizon’s call volume exceeding the number of voice calls seen on Mother’s Day – typically its highest call volume Sunday of the year. AT&T calls voice calls “the new killer app,” as its resurgence has surprised everyone.

This increase in call volume is a consideration for businesses. Even though digital access to businesses has increased via web, mobile devices, etc., phone calls remain an important contact method. One study found that 60% of customers in the US prefer to call a business on the phone after finding them in an online search. Only 16% prefer email and 15% prefer an in-person visit. Phone calls are valuable for their ability to reach a real person and obtain fast, detailed answers to questions.

Another study from Forrester Consulting found that marketers consider consumers who make calls to businesses have these characteristics:

  • A 28% higher retention rate
  • A 30% faster conversion rate
  • Spend 28% more.

The Forrester study also found that digital marketers are placing more emphasis on voice calls as a marketing channel. If they’re not already using voice calls for marketing, they’re either piloting or planning their use in their marketing strategies.

  • COVID-19
  • HealthCare Digital Marketing
  • voice phone calls

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