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24 Years ... And Still Going Strong!

Jul 14, 2020, 12:12 by Sara Foster
Greystone.Net is celebrating its 24th anniversary! Read about our thoughts on the occasion.

Well. If someone had said in January that 6 months later we would have completely redone the way we go about healthcare marketing, I’m not sure how sane we would have thought that person was. But – here we are. graphic for 24th anniversary

As Greystone.Net observes its 24th anniversary today (July 15), so many things come to mind. Normally on our anniversary, we reflect on how the industry has changed since 1996. Technology, strategies, you name it – all have advanced exponentially over the years. Yet, in July 2020, an argument can be made that our industry has changed more in the past four months than it has in the previous 24 years. Certainly the changes have come at a much more rapid pace! Of course, those necessary rapid changes were enabled by the work that has occurred over the previous years.

We won’t rehash the COVID-19 healthcare marketing response here – that’s been done and is being done elsewhere. But we have definitely changed the way we conduct our business, and thanks to our great staff, industry colleagues and clients, things have worked out well. Like so many, we have donned our “daytime pajamas” and worked from home since mid-March. Instead of traveling to see clients, we’ve perfected the art of video meetings. We’ve developed new content and curated related content as resources for the industry. We’ve been saddened at the cancellation of industry meetings that we look forward to attending each year.

Speaking of meetings, we were already deep into the speaker selection process for the 24th Annual Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC) when the lockdowns went into place in March. We continued to plan for our usual conference format, hoping that by November, things would be back to some semblance of normal. But “normal” has been and continues to be elusive. Thus, we’ve made the decision to hold HCIC20 as a virtual conference in November – HCIC@Home. More details will be coming in the next few days, but look for registration to open very soon. We’ve very excited about our conference this year and we hope you’ll be able to join us virtually!